Doshic Imbalances

Doshic Imbalances

Any imbalance in the doshas is likely to have a negative effect on your mind and emotions. If in excess you are more likely to display negative energy of a quality associated with it. The predominant doshaof your constitution becoming in excess more easily than the others, you will tend to experience its negative aspects more than the others.


Negative emotions aggravate the dosha associated with them. For example, high kapha may mean you are more possessive; but possessiveness in turn increases kapha even more. The way to break this vicious circle is to pacify the aggravated dosha.


Increased consciousness of Ayurvedaand your personal constitution will now enable you to rate the qualities of your moods as V, P, and / or K. Checked as frequently as on a daily basis, this is a very useful way to monitor even small changes in a dosha, and take steps to restore the balance sooner than later. Relate the qualities of your moods to the qualities in other aspects of your life. Since “like increases like” if you are impatient or critical (pitta), check if you have eaten pitta-genic foods or been exposed to pitta-provoking experiences.


Excess Vata leads to :


Nervousness, Moodiness, Anxiety, Loss of consciousness, Fear, Impairment of sensory functions, Confusion, Tremors in Limbs, Grief, Constipation, Sadness, Insomnia, Insecurity, Dry & rough skin, Lack of integrity, Low vitality, Loss of creativity and Lack of communication.


With decreased Vata giving rise to :


Lethargy, Nausea, Depression and Irregularity in gastric activity.


Excess Pitta leads to :


Ambition, Hate, Anger, Jealously, Envy, Judgemental or critical tendencies, Fear of Failure, Lack of discernment, Snappy speech and actions, Pride, Skepticism, Burning sensations, Excessive thirst , Craving for cold, Loss of sleep, Fever and Frustration.


While decreased Pitta results in :


Indigestion, Loss of luster in the skin, Abnormal loss of body heat and Irregular bowel movements.


Excess Kapha leads to:
Boredom, Lack of interest, Carelessness, Secretions from the mouth, Lack of compassion, Lethargy, Greed, Excessive sleep, Feeling lack of support or love, Improper digestive function, Obsessive behavior, Obesity, Unkindness and Nausea.

And decreased Kapha gives way to :