Medical Virtues of Arjuna

Medical Virtues of Arjuna

It is a prominent cardiotonic drug in Indian medecine and recommended in heart diseases; specifically the thick bark is ground and cleanded and boiled in milk for preparing decotion which is orally given for effective action and the bark powder , decoction , juice and other various forms are precribed in treatment of cardiac troubles. Arjuna

Botanical Name:Terminalia arjuna.
Classical Name:Arjuna.

Arjuna is a large nearly evergreen tree with huge ofter but tressed trunk and horizontally spreading branches;bark smooth grew,flanking off large pieces,whitish bark.

It is found throughout the greater part of India;in the sub-Himalayan tract-Terai region of the Himalayas,Chota Nagpur , Central India.

Arjun bark contains a crystalline compound arjunine , a lactone , arjunetin , essential oil ,tannin , reducing sugar , and colouring matter.Bark contains calcium carbonate 34 % , other salts of calcium 9 % tannin 13 % an aslo aliminium,maganesuim,organic acid,sugar an other subtances.

Pharmacodynamics :

Rasa : Kasaya
Guna : Laghu , Ruksha
Virya : Sita
Vipak: Katu

Therapeutic uses of Arjuna :
It is a prominent cardiotonic drug in Indian medecine and recommended in heart diseases; specifically the thick bark is ground and cleanded and boiled in milk for preparing decotion which is orally given for effective action and the bark powder , decoction , juice and other various forms are precribed in treatment of cardiac troubles.
The bark is useful as a cardio stimulant , tonic, cooling , astrigent and febrifuge,lithontropic, cholagogue and vulnerary. The powder is internally given with honey in fractures and contrusions with ecchymosis.The decoction of the bark is orrally given in biliousness or bilious disorders,diarrohea,dysentery,sprue and heamorrhage.
As an astrigent the decoction is applied topically for cleaning sores,wounds,or ulcers,chancres and other externally used in acne vulgaris and other allied affections.
The bark is used as deobstruent,diuretic,expectorant, haemostatic,anti-inflammatory and antidote to poisons.The bark is given in gleet, urinary discharrges,leucorhoes and urinary anomalies,also allied to seminal aliments.It is used in oedema,chronic fever ,obesity,generaldeblility,cough,asthama,pthisis,anaemia,tumours,overthirst,fatig ue,dermatosis.leprosy and skin diseases.It also promotes vitality protects cardiac – circulatory respiratory and allied ailments and general health supporting longevity.
The bark is pasted over fractued organs and the powder of bark is dusted or applied to bleeding lesion as a haemostatic drug;it is also used in haemorrhoids or bleeding piles.It the fractures,the bark is also orally given with milk,and also in other forms both externally and internally.
Besides the bark , the leaves and fruits are also used medicinally.The juice of fresh leaves is useful as an ear-drops in earache.the fruites are useful as tonic and deobstruent.The qsh of the plant is considered useful against anake-bite and scorpion-sting,and bark is given in venomous poison.Leaves of the plant are also prescribed the employ for bandaging the wounds ; and the powder of leaves is used as dusting medicine for wounds and sores.

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